Monday, December 20, 2010


A snowman card for my mom.

Feeling froggy...

My friend really likes frogs & I came up with this idea for her. It looked better in my head...

Baby Girl...

I went to a shower for my sweet friend that's about to become a mother for the first time. Her baby girl is due in January. I got her a gift card from Babies-R-Us that matched the paper on the front of the card, but I forgot to take a picture of it! I was in such a rush. It's been a busy month!

Craft Group Calendars

The second craft group meeting was the holiday party & calendar exchange.

I had the front cover & February. I was able to use my Gypsy for the first time! I welded the numbers to make a solid piece. My Gypsy is amazing!! It saved me SO MUCH time & effort. I don't know how I crafted without it!

I had every intention of doing a very pink & red Valentine's themed design. I tried over & over again to come up with something that would work, but never quite came to fruition. At the very last minute, I went with the 'Paris' theme. I saw a Paris picture at Hobby Lobby, then I went to my mom's & saw her Paris themed puzzle piece. I came home to a comment on one of my pictures from when Dustan took me to Paris for Valentine's in 2009. A few hours before the deadline, Paris themed February calendars were born! They turned out much better than I anticipated, but I still wish I could have come up with something better related to Valentine's Day.

Sandra had June & November:

Lisa had January & May:

My mom had April & July:

Melissa had December & the back cover:

Terri had March & August:

Julie had September & October:

We did a gift exchange & holiday meal. It was definitely a lot of fun, but a little too much for me to handle. I spent so much time trying to figure out how to design my calendars that I didn't get the headstart I needed on my Xmas cards this year. I only got around to making two holiday cards & I doubt I'll have a chance to get them out on time. This time of the year is ALWAYS a hectic mess for me. I can't wait for the holidays to be over & done!!


I am WAY behind on my posts. It's been a very busy holiday season!! I joined a craft group in October and only made it two months before calling it quits. It was a lot of fun, but extremely overwhelming. With everything I have going on in my life right now, it's hard for me to find time for anything new. Once our house is done, the holidays are over & I decide to stop traveling every few weeks, I will join the craft group once again.

The two meetings I had with the craft group yielded interesting results. The first meeting was a 'shoebox' party. The idea was to make a card & provide the other members of the group with all the necessary materials they would need to copy my original design. The design theme was Christmas & the project was due before Thanksgiving. I was in Thanksgiving mode, so I could NOT come up with anything cute for Christmas in November! I was down to the wire & just went with the only thing I could think of; a very plain jane 1.5 card. [I call it a 1.5 card because if you were to cut the card, there would be 1.5 pieces.]

The materials needed:

The finished product:

Each person had a different type of card with a different design. I should have taken pictures of everyone's stuff, but I got busy with other things & lost the cards in my craft room. When I move my craft room next month, I will probably find the cards & post them up.